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Monica DiLeo

Postdoctoral researcher in political economy at the Hertie School

Central banking and politics


 Berlin, DE

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I am a postdoctoral research fellow on KnowLegPo, a joint DFG-ANR funded research project led by Benjamin Braun (Max Planck) and Matthias Thiemann (Sciences Po) devoted to examining how central banks have navigated policymaking in an increasingly contested and politicized context.


I am also a Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics Centre for Economic Transition Expertise (CETEx).


Prior to this, I completed my PhD in Political Economy at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. My thesis examined the politics of central banking and policy approaches to climate change in the West and East Asia.


I also worked as a Senior Analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and earned my Bachelor of Arts at Yale University. 


Please feel free to download my cv (upper right). 

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PhD Dissertation:

The Politics of Central Bank Approaches to Climate Change in East Asia and the West

Central banks are increasingly turning their attention to climate change, but policy approaches have been far from uniform. My dissertation examines the politics of central banking and climate change, identifying the drivers of this variation across the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, People's Bank of China, and Bank of Japan. This study leverages both natural language processing and qualitative methods.

Journal Articles:

"Financial technocrats as competitive regime creators: The founding and design of the Network for Greening the Financial System”, with Eric Helleiner and Jens van ‘t Klooster, Regulation & Governance, 2024. Available here.


“Climate policy at the Bank of England: The possibilities and limits of green central banking”, Climate Policy, 2023. Available open access here


“Why the Fed and ECB parted ways on climate change: The politics of divergence in the global central banking community”, with Glenn Rudebusch and Jens van ‘t Klooster. Brookings Institution, Hutchins Center Working Paper No. 88, 2023. Available here


“The greening of the People's Bank of China”, with Eric Helleiner and Hongying Wang, under review.​


Other writing

"Political Uncertainty in Central Bank Responses to Climate Change", Just Money, 2024. Available here / pdf.


"Climate Divergence", Phenomenal World, 2023. Available here

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University of Queensland

School of Political Science and International Studies:​


  • Economic Analysis and Public Policy (master’s course), Fall 2021, 2022.

  • Globalization, International Political Economy and Development (master’s course), Spring 2021.

  • Politics and the Economy (undergraduate course), Spring 2020.

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